Poetry Out Loud

By January 7, 2020 Homepage News

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019, The Knox School hosted its annual Poetry Out Loud competition. Participating in this competition for over a decade as an extension of the English classroom, students develop skills not only in reading, analyzing and reciting poetry, but also in public speaking and presentation. In an all-school assembly, participants are required to recite two poems from memory, one more challenging than the next. Overall, this competition helps cultivate in students a love of poetry, and further their skills in this word-based art form.

Congratulations to Seniors Mateja Markovic and Jaylon Boone for winning the 2019 Poetry Out Loud competition at The Knox School. These young men will compete at the semifinals at Stony Brook University on February 3, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., against students from other local high schools. Depending on their success in the semifinals, The Knox School hopes to watch them compete in the State competition held next year in Albany, New York.

The Knox School congratulates every participant on their outstanding performances during the competition: Isabella Halpin, Aaron Bogart, Declan Morrell-Smith, Christian Wiggins, Mateja Markovic, Jaylon Boone, Ryan Grigoletto, Mohamed Tandja and Eliza Bashirian.

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